Respect for the interdependent web of life of which we are all a part

Photo by Li-An Lim on Unsplash

Photo by Azzurra Visaggio on Unsplash

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What’s the State House Doing About Climate Change?

May 30, 7 PM

Massachusetts has a mandate to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2050. To achieve these goals, the State Legislature must now pass legislation on multiple fronts to make this goal a reality.

Many bills that would support efforts to decarbonize and enhance resilience are making their way through the State Legislature. Legislators hope to pass a major climate and energy bill, which would address the electrification of many carbon-intensive sectors such as transportation, support the use of renewable energy, update and expand the grid, reduce the use of single-use plastics, and expand the bottle bill, among other initiatives.

Casey Bowers, Action Fund Executive Director for the Environmental League of Mass., is responsible for creating and executing the strategy to ensure the policy priorities we need pass the legislature. She will discuss some of the most significant bills before the Legislature, their potential impact, and why you should support them.


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Where Did the Snow Go? Climate Change in New England

June 5, 7 PM

New England is currently warming faster than the global average. As a result, southern New England is now a global hot spot of decreasing snow cover and throughout New England, annual precipitation has increased along with severe rainstorms. Join Professor Stephen Young from Salem State University as he explains the science behind New England's warming and what impacts this warming is already creating and will create in the future.

Dr. Young has been teaching in the Geography and Sustainability department at Salem State University for over 28 years. His specialty is in the use of satellites and drones to study environmental changes on Earth. He has over 50 scientific publications as well as over 20 art and science exhibitions, which explain various aspects of science. He received his Ph.D. in geography at Clark University and a Masters in environmental science from Yale University and a BA in environmental studies from the University of Vermont. 


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