Respect for the interdependent web of life of which we are all a part

Next Event:

Inundation District

Screening followed by Q&A with the Director and Pulitzer-winning Boston Globe Reporter, David Abel

April 1, 7 PM

First Parish Church in Weston, UU
349 Boston Post Rd, Weston, MA
(Note: This is an in-person event.)

An award-winning feature-length film about the implications of one city’s decision to ignore the threats posed by climate change and spend billions of dollars on building a new waterfront district — on landfill, at sea level.

In a time of rising seas and intensifying storms, one of the world’s wealthiest, most-educated cities made a fateful decision to spend billions of dollars erecting a new district along its coast — on landfill, at sea level. Unlike other places imperiled by climate change, this neighborhood of glass towers housing some of the world’s largest companies was built well after scientists began warning of the threats, including many at its renowned universities. The city, which already has more high-tide flooding than nearly any other in the United States, called its new quarter the Innovation District. But with seas rising inexorably, and at an accelerating rate, others are calling the neighborhood by a different name: Inundation District.

The 79-minute film won Best Conservation Film at the Mystic Film Festival as well as the Monadnock International Film Festival's Jonathan Daniels Award, which is given to films that "fuse social and/or political awareness with artistic excellence and encompasses Jonathan Daniels courage by telling stories of hope, redemption, and the triumph of the human spirit."


Last Event:

Love That Dirty Water: How a Cleaner Charles River Will Yield Safer, More Resilient Communities

March 11, 7 PM

Since 1965, Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA) has been the leading voice for a cleaner, healthier Charles River. While the river is significantly improved from its “Dirty Water” days, the work is not done. And now we face the growing threat of climate change, bringing flooding, extreme heat, more frequent drought, and more. Join us to learn what further action is needed to achieve a swimmable Charles, and how modernizing our water management practices will make your community better able to withstand the weather extremes of climate change. 

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